Enamel Paintings on Copper; rare Enamel Paintings, Paintings out of Fire, new Impressionism paintings, Art-Enamel for Pleasure of Life, paintings out of the furnace
Hello, thank You for visiting my website!
My name is Guenter Glaeser.
I was born in Dresden, Germany, the capital of Saxonia and city of art and culture on the river Elbe.
23 years ago I reached my retirement age. In the last decades I could only use my leisure time for working in arts and crafts. Now I have more time for my own artistic activities.
I pursue the art of enamelling since about 20 years intensively. It gives me a great pleasure experimenting with brilliant colours.
But with my paintings of enamel I also want to convey to other people impressions of contem-plation, confidence, optimism and “pleasure of life”.
Also I wish to leave a visible trace for children and grandchildren.
On this website I therefore want to introduce to you a cross-section of my work.
The paintings can be viewed and are for sale too.